Çerez Örnek
Paradigms in Translation Studies is a series of collected essays which covers academic canons published in foreign languages, especially in German. The aim of the series is to translate these works currently not available to the readers of Translation Studies in Turkish, so to help to develop a new disciplinary discourse and a conceptual understanding. The collection focuses on the works by acknowledged names in TS who have made remarkable contributions in the the field. The translated essays are selected from different subfields to offer a diverse and an extensive view of TS.
In this context, the collection aims to cross the linguistic borders by allowing an inclusive source for the researchers. We believe that the inclusion of the translated essays in the scientific circulation will have a positive influence on the Turkish research community by broadening the scientific perspective and discourse within the field.
Yücel, Faruk (Ed.) (2013): Çeviribiliminin Paradigmaları. Çeviri Seçkisi. Çanakkale: Çanakkale Kitaplığı Yayınları.                    
Language: Turkish
ISBN-10: 6056259029
ISBN-13: 978-6056259029






Öncü, Mehmet Tahir (Ed.)(2016): Çeviribilimin Paradigmaları II: Çeviri Seçkisi. Istanbul: Hiperlink Yayınları                              
Language: Turkish
ISBN-10: 6059143288
ISBN-13: 978-6059143288
Öncü, Mehmet Tahir/ Üründü, Halit (Ed.)(2017): Çeviribilimin Paradigmaları III: Çeviri Seçkisi. Istanbul: Hiperlink Yayınları       
Language: Turkish
ISBN-10: 6059143462
ISBN-13: 978-6059143462

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